Adan Moreno
Spring 2001

Swallow Your Pride

          Today's athletic teams have many names and symbols that are considered controversial because of the images they display.  These names and symbols should be challenged and if possible removed in some cases.  Not many people would like their culture mocked into shame.  Either stop the negative images or be open to the same ridicule.

          Imagine for a second you are at a sporting event waiting for play to begin.  Then, out come cheerleaders wearing uniforms similar to those worn by your ancestors--as they were slaughtered a few decades ago.  On the cheerleaders' faces are painted, stripes resembling the war colors your ancestors applied before they went off to battle, only to be ambushed and killed by foreigners for being different.  Across the playing field stand men in uniform holding flags with images of your relatives' heads on them.  They wave in the air, cracking like the whips used upon those unfortunate souls who were not blessed with death on the battlefield.  A band marches across the field.  Their instruments play notes that carry messages for help and cries of danger.  Ignorant spectators cheer the band on as the team mascot parades around in a ridiculous outfit that appears more like a chicken than a proud warrior.  It dances in circles like a fool.

          Proud tradition is spit and laughed upon by the wealthy corporations and their sponsors whose main objective is to make money.  The mocking of cultures has to be stopped.  The United States of America has the most mixed cultures in the world.  No one culture should be dominant, or at the least not be granted immunity from public scrutiny.

          The mere thought of a mascot in a Native American outfit stomping on a stuffed priest would have many religions and cultures in an uproar.  No group should be used in any sporting event, mainly because of the lack of respect shown to the surviving members as a direct result of the negative images created by such teams.  Change needs to come about and soon.  Consumers buy caps and jackets with the faces of Native Americans whose tribes are no longer in existence because they were misunderstood and seen as evil, savage beasts.  An entire group is now only recognized by the "tomahawk chop," and the Redskins football team is shamed.

          Change does not have to mean the names should be removed, but some practices need to be reformed.  For instance, how would the Anglo Saxon community like to change the name of the Dallas Cowboys football team to the White Boys?  With their losing streak at its peak they will definitely feel the sting of pride when their entire culture is remembered only as losers on the field.  The people of the United States need to learn to laugh at themselves as well, or not mock other cultures.  Making their own cultures open targets for criticism is a way to level the playing field, as well as show the public that no harm was ever intended.  Perhaps they'll laugh at themselves before others do.  The alternative is to remain silent and let the tension between groups grow to a dangerous level.

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