Zippy Zappy
Metztli Escalante
Hispanic Center of Excellence

Super Unknown

          Samuel Johnson once said, "It is no wise man that will quit a certainty for an uncertainty." Johnson felt a smart man would pursue the given over the unknown, and only a foolish man would go after a misguided and uncertain future, job, or dream.  If a man wants security and stability, he should follow a set and certain path.  Although this is sage advice for many aspects of life, a person should make a few gambles and sometimes take the less traveled roads.

          Some things are never certain in life, and at times the tried and true fail.  For a man to quit a certainty and a run after an uncertainty is a true measure of self-confidence and determination.  The wise should not accept the status quo and follow blindly like sheep.  For example, it might be claimed a certainty that going to college will bring greater success.  Most people think that to deviate from higher education would be misguided and subject to failure.  A wise man might view his options and see that college is not the place for him.

          Such is the case for a girl who dreams of becoming a professional ballerina.  She sees that what is right for others, is not right for her, and she will forego the certain route of a college education.  "Youth" being an important factor in ballet, the girl knows she will have a maximum of ten years to dance professionally.  To further her goal, she enrolls in the competitive world of a dance academy like the American School of Ballet.  There she will risk injury and compete with hundreds of other excellently trained girls for a spot in a dance company like the New York City Ballet.  Life for her is still uncertain as she may or may not be able to dance professionally.  The ballet dancer was wise to choose the path she felt was right for her and to work at achieving her dream.

          It takes a wise person to know when to follow a certain path and when to deviate into the unknown.  To make an educated and calculated decision, the pros and cons of the problem should be measured. An intelligent person knows what circumstances merit the benefits of either the given or the unknown.  Areas such as a person's health, for example, should not be threatened by unknown dangers. Engaging in risky behaviors such as unprotected sex, drug abuse, and avoiding health warnings would be extremely foolish.  When the situation deals with life and death, a person should not be reckless and take gambles.  Things like job occupation or dreams should be pursued even if they are deemed uncertain. Why would people risk unhappiness at jobs they do not enjoy just because they are stable?  Many factors must come into play when making these decisions.  Certainties are not always better than uncertainties because people will never know if the uncertain is - in fact - superior.