Jasiveth Alaniz
Spring 2001

The Man of Your Dreams

          To some people a dream is something that will never come true, an image that's in a fantasy world.  But to others a dream is the gateway to the future.  They believe strongly that when the man of their dreams comes along he's reachable.  Here are two steps to get the man of your dreams.

          First of all, get to know the man you dream of.  I would study him to begin with because you know what they say; "you can't judge a book by its cover."  Get to know him, find out what his interests are, and see what type of foods he likes, if he has family.  I guess you can say, "be a friend first," so you won't make a mistake.  Oh! Don't forget one thing; it's cool to be a friend, but also don't forget to send some signals every now and then, like flirting a little, to let him know you're interested.  You don't want him to think of you just as a friend, but as a girlfriend.  A reminder, not too much flirting.  The last thing you want to do is scare the poor guy off.  When the time comes, and if you're sure you know him backwards and forward, and he didn't turn out to be unattractive on the inside, invite him to dinner. You know, to break the ice between you (that is if he doesn't ask you first).  Then, see how things mature from there; see if he is the man you have been dreaming of, or if he is just a good friend.

          The second thing I want to advise you in is honesty and communication, two key features in getting the man of your dreams.  If you do hit it off with your man or even if you are still in the process of conquering him, you want to have a good and clean relationship.  To have a good relationship with the man you desire you must know how to talk to him about anything you are feeling.  Don't be afraid to show the real you.  If you are not comfortable being around him or talking to him about how you really feel, then he is not the man for you.  Another way to have a good relationship is to never lie.  Lying only leads too mistrust, and mistrust only leads to being lonely. No one wants to date a liar.  Always tell the truth up front cause it might make things easier for you in the long run.  Never, I repeat, never cover a lie with a lie.  A lie at the end will unmask itself; it can hurt the people you love, and destroy your happiness.  So always be honest, and talk to your man. You want to keep him; he is your dream.  You do not want to lose him to the next girl that passes by.

          Having or getting the man of your dreams isn't easy.  That's why it's a dream.  Remember to get to know him, and when you do, see if your dream can become a reality.  If you already have the man of your dreams, know how to communicate with him.  Be honest with him, and know how to trust in each other.  The man of your dreams will come soon. When he does, and with the advice I have given you, hopefully you can be happy.

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